Thursday, March 8, 2012


So soon I have arrived at a point in this blog where I wonder if what I have to share will apply to anyone else.  I hope it will.  I know one of the amazing things about prayerfully studying the scriptures is that Heavenly Father can teach you things you need to know through the Holy Ghost using words that were written down long ago.  It's one reason you can read the same thing over and over again and come away with something different than you have ever thought of before.

I love the testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith placed in the front of The Book of Mormon.  It is so interesting to me.  But, after my most current reading of it, what stands out the most to me when I look over it now is an impression I got that has almost nothing to do with what the text is meant to convey.  A passage speaking about a charge Joseph was given concerning the gold plates makes me think of my responsibility towards my children.
"...I should be responsible for them; that if I should let them go carelessly, or through any neglect of mine, I should be cut off; but that if I would use all my endeavors to preserve them...they should be protected."
Joseph goes on to say that "every stratagem that could be invented was resorted to" for the purpose of getting the plates from him.  It is sometimes how I feel about my children.  So many things pull their attention, both good and not so good things, that sometimes it feels like a real struggle to teach them those things which are so vital for them to know.  Like learning to listen to the Holy Ghost, learning to love the scriptures, and learning to value Heavenly Father's opinion of them above all others.  I know that these are the things that can protect them as they grow up and leave home, and I hope that my imperfect attempts at family scripture reading, family prayer, and family home evening will be enough for me to say that I did not let them go carelessly, and that they therefore will be protected.


  1. Ambra,

    Thanks for doing this. I look forward to reading your insight.

  2. Isn't it so difficult to know if we're doing enough? Sometimes I feel like it's such a harsh world we send our children out to everyday, and I hope they're protected from the worst of it.

    Are there certain ways that you teach your children to "value Heavenly Father's opinion of them above all others"? I hadn't thought of things in quite that way before, but I love that! Along with learning to listen to the Holy Ghost, isn't that truly one of the most important things we can teach them? I'd love your ideas on how to do that.

  3. When Kimball was preschool age, I started stressing about how to find time for a new baby and all that I needed to teach him. Reading, math, scripture stories, etc. So I prayed for help that I might know what to do. I felt that I needed to make family scripture reading a priority. We have struggled, some years worse than others, to fit it in but we have never given up. Along that journey, I decided that if I wanted my kids to listen to the Holy Ghost I needed to try to provide them with an opportunity to feel the Holy Ghost everyday. Notice I didn't say that they for certain would feel it everyday, but that I would do my best to provide the opportunity. Through scriptures, discussions, music, night time prayers...something, anything, or many things--depending on the day. I figure if they get used to feeling the Holy Ghost each day, they will miss it if it leaves their life for long. And, I encourage them to pray about little things like lost beloved toys, so they can see that Heavenly Father does answer our prayers.

    As to teaching them to value Heavenly Father's opinion above all others--I tell them straight out. Only you and Heavenly Father know everything that is going on with you on any given day, or with any situation. Even I, try as I may to do my best, will sometimes get things wrong. Heavenly Father you can always trust. You should be concerned about what He thinks of you and what you think of yourself most of all.

  4. Ambra,

    That's so inspired - I wish I had been doing that everyday! Just two days ago I realized that Jared has not been praying about problems he's having with some kids at school. It was another reminder that I need to be much more direct with my kids than I often remember to be. That doesn't necessarily mean that they will follow my advice, but hopefully that seed will be planted in their hearts and they will remember it later.

  5. Sandy,

    Thanks for mentioning that! Josie has been having a problem with a girl at school, and I have been kind of at a loss. I will tell her to pray about it, and, at age 5, she might even listen to me.

    I was just thinking of something this morning that I needed to teach Evan, and I thought, 'I'd better hurry before he gets much older and completely stops listening to me.'

    I too hope our teens store our advice away somewhere even if they don't want to use it immediately.

    I'm loving this chance to share ideas and get parenting help from each other!!!! Thanks.
