Saturday, March 2, 2013


Through new callings and new lessons to study, along with the church handbook, I have let my Book of Mormon study become something that I only do during family scripture study, but that is not how I want it.  I know I started this blog so that I could share my thought as many in the ward studied along with me.  It seems that purpose went by the wayside long ago.  But I do so love my personal reflection time with the Book of Mormon that I am renewing my vigor to continue this blog.  It does me a lot of good to have to distill my scripture journal ramblings into something cohesive and better understood by others.  So I hope that no matter what book of scripture you are currently studying, you might gain something from reading what I record as I continue Learning From The Book of Mormon.

This morning I was pondering Alma 37.  This chapter contains an analogy from Alma that has long been one of my favorites.  In verse 38, Alma begins this analogy by reminding his son Helaman about the unusual compass given to Lehi and his family as they traveled in the wilderness.  The Liahona worked according to their faith in God.  If they were being faithful, it guided them well; but if they grew lax, they became lost and began wondering in the wilderness making no progress on their journey.  In forgetting to exercise their diligence they also suffered hunger and thirst because the Liahona was what kept them on the right course to aid them in going through the best hunting grounds and helped them find water.  It was the "hunger and thirst" that caught my attention this time.  I have never noticed it before.

Alma continues on to compare Lehi's journey through the wilderness with us in this life.  It is so true.  I know I am here in this world (the wilderness), but am I progressing?  Or am I simply wondering around, hungry and thirsty when there is plenty of meat and water to be had if I would just look to the Lord for guidance?  I know there is a difference between living my life as a good person out of habits that I have formed and living my life trusting in the Lord each day to guide me to that meat and water that will enliven my soul and keep me progressing on the path back to Him.

Alma 37:46:  "O my son, do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way; for so was it with our fathers; for so was it prepared for them, that if they would look they might live; even so it is with us.  The way is prepared, and if we will look we may live forever."

I know sometimes my good habits sustain me, and yet, so often, they are not enough.

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