Saturday, March 9, 2013

Parenting with the Spirit

Alma 42 is the last chapter that we get to "listen in" on Alma speaking to his sons.  He is still talking with Corianton and he says in verse 1:
"And now, my son, I perceive there is somewhat more which doth worry your mind, which ye cannot understand..."
I have been thinking about this since reading it yesterday.  I wish I could hear the things Corianton is saying back to Alma.  Or, is Corianton like some of my kiddos, who largely remain silent during these tete-a-tetes?  Is Alma gleaning what needs to be discussed from what his son is saying or from the Spirit like he and Amulek did when they were "contending" with Zeezrom back in Alma 12?
Alma speaking to Zeezrom:  "...for behold, he knows all thy thoughts, and thou seest that thy thoughts are made known unto us by his Spirit." (Alma 12:3)
It has got me thinking about parenting and how Heaven Father knows my children and what they need far better than I do.  It is a thought that is a comfort to me.  When I am ready to throw up my hands in frustration as to what to do next as a parent, I can go to Heavenly Father and he will know.  Or better yet, pray before I am ready to throw in the towel.  I think that my stewardship as their mother entitles me to revelation regarding their needs.  I think I can ask him to help me perceive the things that my child is struggling with even when they are silent.  And then I can pray for the words and the love that it takes to help them understand.

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