Friday, February 8, 2013

Repentance Equals Joy

In Alma 36, Alma is talking to his son Helaman about his conversion--the depths of his sorrow and pain juxtaposed with the great joy and light he felt when he experienced the effects of Jesus Christ's Atonement.  He testifies of its power to heal as his sins were forgiven and washed away.  Then, in verse 24, he says:
"Yea and from that time even until now, I have labored without ceasing, that I might bring souls unto repentance; that I might bring them to taste of the exceeding joy to which I did taste; that they might also be born of God and be filled with the Holy Ghost."
This scripture gives me a much needed shift in my attitude towards missionary work.  It declares that preaching repentance is about wanting those around you to experience joy.

I have always thought missionary work to be good, but I have felt that it is more about giving knowledge.  The transfer of knowledge takes time, and I feel the potential for me to speak too much or to come across as high and mighty is definitely there.  But, if I simply bear my testimony of Jesus Christ and the joy that comes from the Atonement through my deeds as well as my words perhaps I would not overwhelm them or me.

When I was younger, I viewed any reference to repentance as reprimand.  I felt the goal was to live life so that one didn't need to do that thing that sinners have to do...repent.  As I have experienced more of life and repentance myself, I can say along with Alma that repentance equals joy.

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