Monday, July 16, 2012

Time Out

I found this quote wherein President Hinckley is encouraging us to "constantly nourish the testimony of our people concerning the Savior...[and to instill] a true witness in [each] heart of the living reality of the Lord Jesus Christ, all else will come together as it should." Ensign, August 1997, p.3

Being newly called into the Relief Society presidency, I thought of the sisters of our ward, I thought of my family, and I thought of myself.

I cherish this guidance and hope that I can remember it as I am floundering and fussing over what is to be done when day seems full to bursting with plans and there is not enough time for everything, nor any way to solve all the problems at hand.  I need to remember what is important and choose wisely as to where my time is spent.  I need to remember, and let peace enter my heart knowing that if I am striving to nourish a testimony of the Savior in myself and those around me that "all else will come together as it should."

Sometimes I want proof of that.  I want to call a time out, visit heaven for a bit and look down here with a new perspective.  I want it to be just long enough that I can nod my head, smile, and say, "Yep, some of that stuff just doesn't matter a whole lot."  I want to see exactly what those things are.  Some of the things I used to think were less important matter more than I realized, and yet I wonder if eternally they truly are of less importance.  Like children's activities for example--as a young mom, they were a big deal.  Then, I saw that they weren't that important.  Now, I can see that children gain confidence as they improve themselves...which matters.  But, does that mean that some of my kids that aren't involved in much are missing out on a huge piece of life?  I don't know...I need a time out.


  1. Ambra, that goes hand in hand with one of my favorite quotes from President Ezra Taft Benson: 'When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives.'

    I know that I would feel a lot more peace in my life if I could truly follow this advice. I'm working on it...

    1. I agree, it truly would help bring peace. It does when I remember it. I guess we can both keeping working on it.
