Monday, May 13, 2013

Helaman 13

I have been thinking about what I said concerning trust in my last post, which was basically:  Wouldn't it be wonderful if Heavenly Father could trust me as much as I trust him?

Well, I've been thinking that maybe he does.  I know I could do better about following the promptings that I receive.  I hesitate more often than I should and am sometimes "slow to walk in wisdom's path."  (Helaman 12:5)  Perhaps as I learn to trust Heavenly Father more readily and follow more speedily, his trust in me will grow.  I am forever grateful that he loves me so much even though I am not the most trustworthy being on the planet.

Samuel the Lamanite is a perfect example of one who follows the Lord promptly even when things get really hard.  In Helaman 13, it tells of how the Lamanite people are righteous and the Nephites have fallen into wickedness.  Samuel is sent to preach, and he does so until they cast him out.  He is about to head back to his own land when:
"...the voice of the Lord came unto him, that he should return again, and prophesy unto the people whatsoever thing should come into his heart.  And it came to pass that they would not suffer that he should enter into the city; therefore he went and got upon the wall thereof, and stretched forth his hand and cried with a loud voice, and prophesied unto the people whatsoever things the Lord put into his heart." (Helaman 12:3-4)

I love that!  They wouldn't let him in so he climbs onto the wall?  I am pretty sure I would be stomping away from the gates of Zarahemla muttering..."Well, I could have sworn that the voice said to go and preach some more, but obviously I was mistaken.  If I was supposed to go and preach I'm sure my path would not be blocked--for surely if I am supposed to do something, it will be made easy, right?"

I am immensely grateful for the patience that the Lord has with me.  It is awe-inspiring, and it gives me hope.  I have hope that I can learn to endure and follow in faith that which he asks me to do even when obstacles block my way.

And now I am left to ponder--why it is that the obstacles which have been blocking my way lately are my own character flaws?  You would think that I at least would be able to get out of my own way.  Apparently there are many more lessons I have yet to learn.

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