Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mormon 8

When I read Mormon 8, I can almost hear the sadness in Moroni's words. And yet, I can hear determination in those words as well. As Moroni observes the destruction of his people, he says over and over that this work will come forth. It is as if he is answering all those who say it won't. Almost as if their words are replaying themselves in his mind and so he tells us in many different verses that these records will not be destroyed and anyone who doesn't recognize their worth when it is brought forth--well, it will be to their detriment. An example of this is Mormon 8:26, which reads in part:
"And no one need say they shall not come, for they surely shall, for the Lord hath spoken it; for out of the earth shall they come, by the hand of the Lord, and none can stay it..."
I can see the faith it would take after witnessing the Lamanite's victory in every other aspect of his life. His father, Mormon, and all his family and friends have been killed. Moroni expects to die any day at the hands of those same men that have sworn to destroy the records and therefore the religion of the Nephites. Yet he speaks of how these records that contain the gospel will one day "shine forth out of darkness." (Mormon 8:16) I guess I shouldn't say it took great faith because in Mormon 8:34 he tells us that he was shown the time when the Book of Mormon would come forth, so he knows it will be given to future generations. Still, when I read Mormon 8, I feel like he may be trying to remind himself that this is not the end of these things he has held so dear even though at times he might feel that all is lost. His father's work with the records will not be wasted even though no one in his own time listened, neither the Nephites nor the Lamanites. He is telling us that this record was written for us, and so we shall receive them.  How we receive them...if we believe on their words and take them into our hearts...that is up to us.

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