"Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up--that which ye have seen me do. Behold ye see that I have prayed unto the Father, and ye all have witnessed. And ye see that I have commanded that none of you should go away, but rather have commanded that ye should come unto me, that ye might feel and see; even so shall ye do unto the world; and whosoever breaketh this commandment suffereth himself to be led into temptation."I like that so very much. We are told so often to do missionary work, to let our light shine. I love that this verse says that the light we hold up is Christ's light. I guess that should be obvious, but I forget. And so, I feel inadequate to share the gospel. After all, I'm not perfect. Why should anyone listen to me?
I love how Christ says we should do what we have seen him do and then goes on to explain what he means. I have often been frustrated by the thought that we should do what Jesus would do. How on earth can I do that? I think to myself. I am neither that wise nor that powerful. But I can do as Jesus says here. I can pray to my Heavenly Father as he has taught. I can include. I can follow his example.