In Alma 5:60, Alma says:
"...if you will hearken unto his voice he will bring you into his fold, and ye are his sheep; and he commandeth you that ye suffer no ravenous wolf to enter among you, that ye may not be destroyed."
He, of course, is talking about becoming part of the fold of Jesus Christ and how that protects us from people like Nehor. If you are listening to Christ's voice, you will not be taken in by other voices that will destroy you spiritually.
It made me think of other things that can be "ravenous wolves" in our lives. Being a stay-at-home mom I have noticed that I have less outside influences on me than at other times in my life, such as when I was in school or going to work daily. This particular time in life is kind of nice that way. And yet, lately I have been feeling the pull of so many different things on my time that I feel as though I may come apart. I have felt that I don't have time for the little things I love like a big chunk of time to study scriptures, a bedtime book shared with the kids, or a long talk with my husband about an interesting book. These things may get done some days, but they have felt rushed and so the joy in them is diminished. I don't want to feel pulled apart. I am not fighting really bad influences like priestcrafts, but just the pace of my modern life as a mother, wife, daughter, friend, visiting teacher, PTO Treasurer, writer, aunt, sister, Relief Society counselor, and on and on.
It was said to me this week that we can always do more. That is so true. People will ask it, I will demand it of myself, and I will never be able to do it all. There will always be more. So, I think a re-evaluation is in order. I think I need to sit quietly and seek to listen to the voice of my Savior who loves me. I need to seek for guidance on balancing all these good things in life so that they do not become the ravenous wolves that I allow to tear me away from that which truly matters.
I am very grateful for Alma's words this morning.